The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) is the current re-authorization of the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) which allocates federal education funding to state and local education agencies. ESSA legislation passed in late 2015 and officially replaces the former No Child Left Behind (NCLB). Newly authorized under subpart 1 of Title IV, Part A of the ESEA, the Student Support and Academic Enrichment (SSAE) program is intended to help meet these goals by increasing the capacity of State educational agencies (SEAs), local educational agencies (LEAs), schools, and local communities to:
1) provide all students with access to a well-rounded education,
2) improve school conditions for student learning, and
3) improve the use of technology in order to improve the academic achievement and digital literacy of all students.
KDE Title IV, Part A – Student Support and Academic Enrichment
Click image above to request from SHAPE America to receive the estimated amount of funding that your school district will receive in July 2019 under Title IV, Part A of the Every Student Succeeds Act. This funding will be available to schools for the 2019-20 school year.
ESSA Funding Success in Kentucky Thanks to ESSA
KY SHAPE template letter used by President Daniel Hill for above success story to create dialogue with his school district for ESSA funds.