Kentucky Department of Education Resource: Getting to Know Your Health Education & Physical Education Standards Module
Senate Bill 1 (2017) requires the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) to implement a process for reviewing and revising all academic standards and aligned assessments beginning in the 2017-18 school year. Beginning this year, each set of academic standards now will be contained in separate regulations.
The following was presented to the Kentucky Board of Education related to the state standards for health education for second reading on Tuesday October 2, 2018:
XVII_A_704 KAR 8.030 Health PPT 10-18
704 KAR 8.030 Health Staff Note 10-18
704 KAR 8.030 Regulation 10-18
Academic Standards for Health Education 10-18
Local Superintendents Advisory Committee Letter
State Health & PE Course Codes:
List of Elementary Health & PE Course Standards Documents
List of Middle School Health & PE Course Standards Documents
List of High School Health & PE Course Standards Documents
- Please email with any questions