Please see important messages below from the KY Department of Education regarding the Kentucky Academic Standards for Health and Physical Education:
Feedback sought on Health Education and Physical Education Standards
(FRANKFORT, KY) – The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) is seeking feedback on the current Kentucky Academic Standards (KAS) for Health Education and the KAS for Physical Education.
KRS 158.6453 calls for KDE to implement a process for reviewing all academic standards and aligned assessments beginning in the 2017-18 school years. The schedule calls for one or two content areas to be reviewed each year and every six years after that on a rotating basis.
Standards outline what students are expected to learn in each grade to successfully transition to the next level of learning. The curriculum or methods and resources used to teach the standards is a separate issue and is decided at the local level.
To provide feedback on the KAS for Health Education and the KAS for Physical Education access the public comment form. Due to the amount of text within the survey, it is recommended that surveys be completed on a full-size computer or laptop screen. Participants are provided with the opportunity to give feedback on all standards or self-selected areas of interest. Feedback on the current KAS for Health Education and KAS for Physical Education will be collected through Sept. 29, 2023.
Questions on this process can be directed to
Applications sought for Health Education and Physical Education Standards committees
(FRANKFORT, KY) – Applications are being accepted for the Health Education and Physical Education Review Committee (RC) and Advisory Panels (AP).
KRS 158.6453 calls for the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) to implement a process for reviewing academic standards and aligned assessments beginning in the 2017-18 school year. The Kentucky Academic Standards (KAS) for Health Education and the KAS for Physical Education will begin this review process during the 2023-2024 school year.
KDE is seeking current K-12 classroom teachers and postsecondary educators to apply to participate in this work. Applicants will be required to meet virtually and/or in Frankfort for five to 10 days beginning in the winter of 2023-2024, continuing through summer with further meetings possibly taking place in the 2024-2025 school year.
When applicable, selected team members will receive reimbursement for travel expenses, and the teacher’s school district will be reimbursed for substitute teacher expenses as well. Potential applicants are asked to verify the willingness of their school or district to release them for work dates throughout the school year.
The Health Education and Physical Education Review Committee and Advisory Panel online application will be posted for 30 days. Applications will be accepted through Sept. 29, 2023. Selected team members will be notified by Oct. 13, 2023.
Questions on this process can be directed to the Standards Team.