Angela and Catie serve as KYSHAPE’s health.moves.minds. State Coordinators and are here to help you get started today! Reach out to Angela and Catie for all things health.moves.minds including free SEL curriculum, free PD opportunities or make plans to host a live virtual event for your school or district!
DYK? Your District has Federal Funding to Support Health & PE Teachers!
Kentucky SHAPE members have been successful in local advocacy efforts in utilizing federal funding in their local school districts to help support programmatic needs and professional development needs for their health and PE programs! This funding includes members that will be attending the SHAPE America National Convention this April!
Join KYSHAPE for a free one hour virtual PD event on Tuesday February 20, 2022 at 5:00 PM EST to learn more!
Session will be recorded and archived for later viewing as well so be sure to register here for free!