#SHAPEAdvocacy Day Recap
On behalf of President Robin Richardson, thank you to everyone that participated in yesterday’s #SHAPEAdvocacy Day. Kentucky SHAPE again led the nation with the most online engagement and interactions! Advocacy is not single day but an ongoing process and yesterday was a great way to start conversations about the importance of health and physical education in schools. If you did not have a chance to participate, please continue to use the tools from our website to foster positive relationships on all levels with policy and decision makers! In case you missed visit our Kentucky SHAPE Facebook page to watch our discussion with SHAPE America’s Carly Wright.
Big congratulations to Bethanne Pardue from Simpson County, Patrick Kennedy from Garrad County and Lindsey Prozanski from Bardstown Independent, they each are the randomly selected winners from yesterday’s participation of a $100 Amazon gift card to help support their #HealthyAtSchool plans!
A Look Ahead to Next Week:
Register here for PD credit: https://kyshape.org/tuesdays-at-two-town-halls/
This will be Live Streamed at 2:00 PM to Kentucky SHAPE Facebook so please invite your principal and classroom teachers to watch for free.
Sneak peak of B3 in Action: https://youtu.be/Lr_8fANrCy8