The #MoveThrive2022 Summer Conference early bird registration price ends in just 15 days! School districts have historic amounts of funding from the COVID19 pandemic funding, numerous school districts in Kentucky have already made the decision to financially support every school health and PE teacher in their district in attending #MoveThrive2022 in Lexington! Our conference justification letter will help you make the case for attending. The price increases by $50 for the month of June, get your purchase order submitted today to your school district.
KYSHAPE also has fee waivers and scholarships available for supporting our members attending. Email if you are interested in any of these possibilities. If you want to attend, we are here to help!
In 2021, the US Department of Education prioritized the health and safety of students along with support students’ social, emotional and mental health as the top 2 landmarks for the Return to School Roadmap! Those needs of students have not changed, that’s is why the agenda for the KYSHAPE’s #MoveThrive2022 conference is packed with opportunities to assist your district’s school health and wellness needs!
Breakout session topics include:
Mentor-ship in High Quality PE Practices
HPE is Social Emotional Learning
Using Movement to Boost Academic Performance in Math
Beyond Managing Behavior
Faculty and Staff Well-Being
Using Literacy Strategies as Check For Understanding in PE
Expanding Upon the Capacity to Learn through Educator Self-Care
KYSHAPE is collaborating with the KDE Healthy Schools Team to continue to support health and physical education cadres with each regional education cooperative. Each co-op will have an onsite meeting time at #MoveThrive2022 to meet in-person to discuss continued content specific professional learning time in 2022 and beyond with HPE teachers in your region.