Recently, several KY SHAPE board members attended the National Physical Education and School Sport Institute in Asheville North Carolina. This yearly event features a network of the “best of the best” in our profession. The PE Institute may not be on your professional development bucket list…but consider adding it!
Many Physical Educators, suffer from feelings of isolation. We are a unique subject, with unique challenges that require a unique skill set to present in an effective way. That uniqueness often isolates us from other subject area teachers. In order to overcome that isolation, many Physical Educators look to various social media outlets to create a “network of inspiration!”
I was honored to meet, and continue to learn from several people that are in in my social media network of inspiration like:
Mike Ginicola @PhysEdDepot
Ben Landers @thepespecialist
Pete Charrette @CapnPetesPE
Dave Senecal @pepalooza
Mike Martinez @PhysEdFreak Chris Walker @coachwalk and many more of the OPEN Physed @OPENPhysEd National Presenters crew.
Artie Kamiya and his team created an environment of infectious enthusiasm for the growth of our profession. My challenge to each of you is to EXPAND YOUR NETWORK! Seek out those around you, online or otherwise, that inspire you to be better for your students.
Daniel Hill
KY SHAPE President-Elect