Big Things Happening in November with KYSHAPE!
November will be a big month for Kentucky SHAPE and our members across the state! Here is a quick run down of dates to save and events to mark on your calendar:
November 4th – KEDC Health and PE Cadre Lunch and Learn Free opportunity sponsored by the Kentucky Education Development Corporation, join KEDC and KYSHAPE Executive Director Jamie Sparks for the first KEDC Health & PE cadre meeting. Lunch & Learn style on November 4th at 11:00 AM via Zoom. You can register here: (Recorded archive will be available, must register for access and also news on future cadre meetings) November 8-13th – #KindnessAcrossTheCommonwealth Back by popular demand, join thousands of Kentucky students and their schools in celebrating #KindnessAcrosstheCommonwealth again in 2021! Its 100% free to participate, simply visit to sign your school up to receive the free resources with daily prompts for promoting kindness via SEL based activities from health.moves.minds!
November 20-21st – Student Leadership Summit, Annual Conference and Awards Night Up to 6 PD hours will be available available in hybrid format for in-person and virtual learning for the annual conference. KYSHAPE will also be hosting the Lonnie Davis Student Leadership Conference, a free event for pre-professionals to help further prepare their future success in the fields of health, physical education, recreation, dance and exercise science. More information to come including registration link on November 1st.
November 27th – Tailgate at University of Louisville vs University of Kentucky There is a changing of the guard for KYSHAPE leadership, President Gavin Washington will officially assume his duties at the annual conference and awards. His first official invitation will be a greet and meet with the KYSHAPE leadership board at the Louisville vs UK football game on Saturday November 27th at U of L. More information to come closer to the event!