KYSHAPE is thrilled to invite you to the #MoveThrive5 Summer Conference, the premier summer health and physical education event hosted by Kentucky SHAPE! When: June 25-27, 2025 This year marks the 5th Annual Move, Thrive Summer Conference, a gathering of educators, advocates, and professionals dedicated to advancing health and physical education in Kentucky and across the country! Get ready for a conference filled with engaging workshops, networking opportunities, and cutting-edge strategies to help our students thrive! Don’t miss your chance to be part of this incredible event, submit your proposal before March 1st! Fall Event Highlights: In November, KYSHAPE welcomed university professionals and future professionals from across the Commonwealth to the annual student leadership conference in Louisville! KYSHAPE President Meme Ratliff awards the KYSHAPE College/University Educator of the Year to Dr. Seth Eckler from the University of Louisville. Congratulations to to our student leaders from Berea College for winning the 2024 KYSHAPE SuperStars Competition! Congratulation to University of Louisville student Cole Davis for being named the KYSHAPE Future Professional of the Year! Join the growing list of Kentucky educators that have brought the amazing benefits of health.moves.minds. to their school community! Even bigger incentives and opportunities available thanks to the new partnership with SHAPE America and Booster! Visit https://kyshape.org/health-moves-minds/ to learn more and complete the interest form! |