Updated Calculations for ESSA Funds including Title IV Part A
Updated budget calculations for Title IV, Part A funds are now available and have been posted on the KDE Federal Grants page as well as uploaded into your district’s GMAP. Be sure to inquire with your district’s Consolidated Director and Finance Officer to learn about their planning for Title IV, Part A funds. Also inquire with your district food service director to ask about the 2017-2018 findings and recommendations report for nutrition and physical activity. Title II funds can be potentially be applied to support professional development needs that have been identified. Title IV A and/or B funds could potentially be used to support the needs assessment findings for nutrition education or physical education.
Remember that the Every Student Succeeds Act includes health education and physical education in the definition of well-rounded subjects but districts have a lot of discretion in how federal funds are applied. As SHAPE America’s Carly Wright reminds us, “this is not the prom, don’t wait to be asked.”