June 2, 2020
To our Kentucky SHAPE Community:
Events across Kentucky and America force us to reflect on a number of important health related issues. We believe that physical, emotional, mental and social health are all critical elements that we must invest in to achieve the outcomes in our world that we all desire. The executive committee of Kentucky SHAPE stand united in condemning racism, injustice, and violence. As educators and professionals, we strive to advocate for a world where all students, families and communities are free from such experiences. As the state association for health, physical education, recreation and dance, we renew our resolve for teaching the next generation of Kentuckians to have all the skills necessary to thrive for life. KYSHAPE is committed to our continued efforts to teach, promote and model equity, diversity and inclusivity. The events around the world and country in 2020 have more than ever emphasized the need for more dialogue, empathy, and compassion for all humanity.
KYSHAPE Executive Committee
Robin Richardson – President
Gavin Washington – President-Elect
Daniel Hill – Past-President
Jamie Sparks – Executive Director