#MyNTIKY with the KYSHAPE Health Ed Cadre
Kentucky SHAPE Health Education Cadre members Jo Geddes, Jordan Manley and Jessica Napier along with our Executive Director Jamie Sparks joined other health education experts this past week in contributing to #MicroBlogWeek. The #MicroBlogWeek was created by 2017 National Health Education Teacher of the Year Andy Milne as part of his regular #SlowChatHealth blog website. Check out each of their blogs by clicking the images below!
#MYNTIKY Contributions and #HPEatHome Advice from the Cadre
Jessica’s Links to #MyNTIKY contributions:NTI High School Health Lesson – Taking Care of Yourself During COVID-19 (for Kentucky Parents in the Know)#HPEatHome Advice from Jessica:I have found that less is more when teaching HPE from home. Having students complete smaller, focused activities and assignments has yielded quality products or participation while creating less stress for parents and students during this challenging time. My NTI lessons have focused on the whole child, giving them specific skills to help sustain good physical and mental health. My advice is to remember that families are facing hardships and challenges never before seen while trying to stay healthy and supply a quality education for their children. Our HPE community can empower families with the skills to overcome those hardships and become stronger and healthier because of this experience. “We can do this. We can do this together.” – Andy__________________________________________
About the KYSHAPE Health Ed Cadre
The KYSHAPE cadre was formed in 2019 with the goal of building skills-based health education professional development throughout the state of Kentucky. The cadre started with five trainers representing K-12 health education and from various geographic regions around Kentucky. Cadre trainers have participated in a two-day professional development workshop to hone their facilitation skills when training other health educators about skills-based health education. Since its’ inception, the KY SHAPE cadre has:
Expanded to 8 members
Submitted proposals and presented for multiple local, state and national conferences
Created and shared non-traditional distance learning lessons K-12 during COVID19
Created a community of learning and sharing
Former Health Ed Vice-President Jess Lawrence, Director of Cairn Guidance leads the cadre training and PD events pro-bono along with current KYSHAPE Health VP Elizabeth Fettrow.
#HPEatHome Zoom Meeting Invitation from Dr. Aaron Beighle
We hope you are adjusting well in this time of change. In an effort to create some community for PE teachers, we have scheduled a time for conversation during the COVID-19 pandemic. The session will be hosted via Zoom and the information below will be needed for access.
All topics will be covered in a large group discussion format. A basic outline for the call is listed below the Zoom information.
We are also planning to video and audio record the conversation to make it accessible for others who are not able to attend this afternoon. With that in mind, if you would prefer not to be recorded, please mute your video and/or microphone on the call.
Zoom Call Instructions
Date: Wednesday April 15th, 2020
Time: 1:00-2:00 PM EST (please be sure to adjust for your time zone)
Zoom link: https://uky.zoom.us/j/875499103?pwd=VW00VHJXVk1raEFxK3h5ZU8xZzNVdz09
Meeting ID: 875-499-103
Password: pecovid19