On a recommendation brought forth by the Constitution and By-Laws Committee, the KY SHAPE board voted during their pre-convention meeting on September 9th on a motion for KY SHAPE membership to have the right and ability to consider name change of the association to Kentucky SHAPE.
The vote will take place with the General Assembly on October 14th during the opening general session of the 2019 KY SHAPE Annual Convention. https://kyahperd19.sched.com/event/Uq6u?iframe=no
KY SHAPE History:
From 1909 on, the Kentucky Physical Education Association (KPEA) was affiliated with KEA. Through the years, the state organization has judiciously followed the patters of operations of the national organizations. In the decade of the 1930s, the Kentucky Physical Education Association added “Health” to its name. In the 1940s “Recreation” was added. And by the early 1980s “Dance” became a part of the official name. All of these expansions were reflections of national trends and in keeping with decisions of the national body.
Source: Guide to the Kentucky Association of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Records, 1909-1986
Processed by: Molly Clark; University Archives Eastern Kentucky University
24 of 51 state affiliate associations have renamed under the SHAPE name as of 2019.
Feedback on this decision can be shared at the following link: https://forms.gle/aMQWnX9oGM9dj6Uz8