Kentucky SHAPE leaders are joining forces with health and physical education professionals from around the country for SPEAK Out! Day!
Speak Out Day is SHAPE America’s annual member advocacy event and this year is completely virtual! Even if you are not participating, we still want you to join us!
Follow us on Twitter @KY_SHAPE along with #SpeakOutDay to keep up with all the latest. Like, comment and retweet to let our elected officials know that we all care about quality HPE!
President Robin Richardson is joined by (clockwise: Jamie Sparks Executive Director; Dr. Brian Creasman Supt Fleming Co Schools, Theo Bellamy KYSHAPE Board member, Congressman John Yarmuth, and staff liaison,
SHAPE America have updated our advocacy resources — including new COVID-specific content — for you to use this week and year-round. Please take a look and also share far and wide:
NEW! 2021 SHAPE America: Support Health & PE — PE + Health = Student Success
NEW! 2021 SHAPE America: Health & PE During COVID — It’s Time to Prioritize Health & Physical Education
Title IVA Fact Sheet — Student Support and Academic Enrichments Grants
Title IIA Fact Sheet — Preparing, Training, and Recruiting High-Quality Teachers, Principals, or Other School Leaders
ACPS Title IVA Success Story — VA’s Alexandria City Public Schools Launches New Health/PE Initiatives Using ESSA Funds
McAllen, TX Title IVA Success Story — Member Mario Reyna successfully advocated for Title IVA funding and tells you how he did it!
Legislative Action Center — Your one-stop shop to stay connected, contact your members of Congress, and read legislation we are tracking
Social media is a powerful and necessary tool in our fight for #MoreTitleIV funding! The perfect time to advocate via social media is right now.
Check out these sample social media messages to encourage colleagues, family and friends to join your efforts to “speak out” for school health and physical education!
Tag your lawmaker in your social media posts, send a message out within 24 hours.
Official hashtags to use include #SpeakOutDay, #SHAPEAdvocacy, #MoreTitleIV and #SHAPEVirtual.